True love for great sound unites us.
True love for great sound unites us.
Are you looking for audio related podcasts? We have made a list of the favorite podcasts from our colleagues and partners.
Please enjoy the list.
If you know another great podcast related to audio, let us know! We’re always happy to add new podcasts to the list.
These podcasts are in no particular order. We have listened to them and can recommend all of them.
Tape Notes
Tape Notes is a podcast about the art and craft of music production. You can expect very detailed discussions with artists and producers about their work and how they approach music. It can get pretty nerdy, but we love that about it.
You can find them at https://tapenotes.co.uk/
URM Podcast - The ultimate recording machine
This podcast is another great one. It features in-depth talks about production, recording, gear choices, and the general approach to recording with the best producers and engineers in the business. They also focus more on Meal than most podcasts, so go check them out.
Recording Studio Rockstars
This one is another classic. You can expect interviews with engineers and studio professionals from all corners of the music industry. Learn how you can become a rockstar in the studio as well.
Check them out at https://recordingstudiorockstars.com/
Pensado's place
Dave Pensado and Herb Trawick discuss all things audio in their weekly show. They interview various knowledgeable audio professionals, and you can get great insights while enjoying their banter. It's one of my favorites.
Catch them at https://www.pensadosplace.tv/
Working Class Audio
With over 490 episodes, Aaron C. Schroeder has created a valuable resource from the perspective of a working-class audio professional.
You can find them at https://www.workingclassaudio.com/
Tape Op podcast
Everybody loves Tape Op, the magazine. They do their own thing. They are not overly concerned with what others do, and that's why they are so successful. They also have a podcast where they interview engineers, producers, and musicians who make great recordings.
Find more about Tape Op here: https://tapeop.com/. Here is their podcast on Spotify.
Sound on Sound podcasts
Speaking of music magazine podcasts, Sound on Sound magazine has three on different topics: recording and mixing, electronic music, and one about people in the music industry. They are informative and feature a variety of perspectives.
You can find the links to them here: https://www.soundonsound.com/sos-podcasts
My forever studio podcast
Musictech, another pro audio magazine, has a fun format for their podcast. It's called "My forever studio". They interview audio professionals about their lives, work, and careers. And about what their forever studio would look like. The studio of their dreams. The podcasts are very educational and entertaining at the same time.
Check them out at https://musictech.com/shows/podcasts/my-forever-studio/
Song Exploder
This podcast focuses on specific songs and looks behind the scenes. How was the writing process, how was it recorded, and the artist's thoughts behind it? It's an exciting and inspiring podcast. You don't have to work in pro audio to appreciate this podcast.
Listen to them here: https://songexploder.net/
Guitar Nerds podcast
Nerd out about guitars in this one. It is the world's #1 guitar podcast. Do we need to say more? They are also pretty funny and use LEWITT mics. We might be a bit biased.
Check them out at https://www.guitarnerds.net/podcast
Switched on Pop
A podcast about the making and meaning of popular music, as well as trends in connection with music seen from the outside. In other words, not from people who work in music, but from a musicological perspective.
You can find them at: https://switchedonpop.com/
Sonic TALK
This podcast is hosted by Sonicstate.com. They have a weekly show, and cover everything interesting in the music industry. "Gear reviews, interviews and features for people who make music by any means."
Check them out here: https://sonicstate.com/sonictalk
Here are podcasts discussing sound design, foley, and similar topics.
Tonebenders podcast
In this podcast, you can get insights into the sound design of the biggest Hollywood movies, from Lord of the Rings to Dune to Barbie. These interviews are filled with endless knowledge.
Check them out at https://tonebenderspodcast.com/
Twenty Thousand Hertz
This podcast is more mainstream-focused and informative. It covers intriguing and out-of-the-box topics you didn't know were so interesting. It is certainly worth checking out.
Find them at https://www.20k.org/
The podcasts focus more on the business side of music.
Progressions: Success in the Music Industry
This podcast explores creativity, productivity, and career growth in the music industry. Travis Frerence talks to music professionals about their jobs and workflows. You can learn how commercial music is made and about its inner workings.
Check them out at https://www.progressionspodcast.com/
The New Music Business with Ari Herstand
Ari won a Webby award for Best Music Podcast with his show. It features interviews with different people in and around the music industry. The best part about the show is that Ari is not afraid to ask tough questions about current topics.
Check this one out at https://aristake.com/new-music-business-podcast/